God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit… Romans 5:5
Today we cover the part two of the Holy Spirit. Last week we looked at how God changes us from death to life by faith. In part two we see that the Holy Spirt fills us with His power to do God’s will. Jesus reminds us that what comes out of our heart is way more important that what goes into our stomach. Today we see that God will fill us with the Holy Spirit to give us his purpose with His power.
He takes a defiled heart and changes it into an empowered heart. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
Those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
Romans 8:5b By the Spirit we say no to our appetite and yes to God’s will and purpose for us.