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Advent is the season of waiting! As we await Christ’s coming again in power and glory, we know that the time we are given before that great Day is due to the Lord’s patience. “The Lord . . . is patient toward you,” says Peter (2 Peter 3:9). Why? More time before Christ’s return as King and Judge means more opportunities for us to share the lifegiving Gospel with all the world. As people hear the message of Christ, repenting of their sin and turning to Him in faith, more souls will be brought into God’s eternal kingdom. And because He is working His wonders of salvation, we rejoice in Him and receive from Him all He seeks to give!

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Service Times:

Contemporary: 9:00 am
Traditional: 10:30 am

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Lakeside Lutheran2401 S. Tamiami Tr.Venice, FL 34293

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