Romans Online Bible Study
Online onlyRomans Online Zoom Study led by Pastor Dahlke
Romans Online Zoom Study led by Pastor Dahlke
The Venice Treehouse Pre-School children come to the Lakeside Sanctuary every Wednesday, at 9:45, for 30 minutes for Chapel. We feel so much JOY watching 40 preschoolers pray, sing, dance and hear a Bible story.
Study of Luke - Led by Pastor Dahlke.
Pastor and the Elder's meet in the conference room.
Come to a Piano Dinner to celebrate Valentine’s - planned for February 5th! The event is in celebration of St. Valentines and all the Love that we share in the name of Jesus. We welcomes Tony Zeck (pianist) for another year of sharing his magnificent piano playing of Love songs. It will be followed with dinner in Meyer Hall. The night begins hearing Tony playing in the sanctuary at 5:00 p.m. Dinner will follow in Meyer Hall. All are welcome and feel free to welcome a friend or family member. A sign-up sheet will be placed in the Narthex.
Online Study of Luke - Led by Pastor Dahlke.