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What is true Christmas weather? Reading the words of well -known hymns and carols, one might conclude that cold weather and wintry precipitation were being experienced in Bethlehem when Jesus was born, especially considering such titles as “The Snow Lay on the Ground” and “See Amid the Winter ’s Snow.” While the weather on that first Christmas is certainly up for debate, the fact of the birth itself is not. It is a blessed fact! Hymn writer Edward Caswell exclaims, “Sing through all Jerusalem: Christ is born in Bethlehem!” (LSB 373). The songs of praise from the angelic host when our Lord was born are echoed in our hymns and carols. Paul encouraged the Ephesians to be “singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart” (Ephesians 5:19). Whatever the weather may be outside, today is a day for singing to the Lord—with all your heart!

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Service Times:

Contemporary: 9:00 am
Traditional: 10:30 am

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Lakeside Lutheran2401 S. Tamiami Tr.Venice, FL 34293

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